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Deutsche Bahn – München, Germany
London North Eastern Railway Limited – Aberdeen, UK
Municipality of Eskilstuna – Sweden

Open doors

Expensive, cold and not good for anyone.

Our weather seals for train workshop doors can be installed in almost any door. They need about the same space as a hot air lock system and they does the job no matter outside temperature, wind, rain or snow.

Send us an email and we will contact you.

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Any train

Our new generation weather seals can adjust to almost any train. And they do it automatically, a button press is all that´s needed.

Don´t worry

Puncture, downtime, accidents...

Together we conduct an investigation where we map specific conditions for your workshop. Based on this, we handle risks to ensure the smooth use of weatherproofing for at least 10 years.


Properly dressed for all kind of weather, 24/7 every day of the year!

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Contact us

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© 2020 by Rewson AB

Rewson AB

Address: Bettorpsgatan 10, SE-703 69 Örebro, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)73 084 27 42 alt. +46(0)73 084 30 58  


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